Introduction to User Experience
This course introduces students to User Experience, the practice of designing apps and websites while applying user centric methods. This course touches on the entire process from analyzing user needs, iterating the design, presenting and selling a comprehensive solution to creating wireframes that become the blueprint for developers to follow when coding.
Who could benefit from this course:
If a student is an Information Systems Major, they will be thinking / designing system requirements and will be helping design the systems.
If a student is a Computer Science Major then they will be on the receiving end of the design process and being asked to code what has been designed.
It’s important for students to have the ability to understand, assess, design and convey good design.
“What’s missing isn’t the ideas… it’s the ability to execute them.”
— Seth Godin
Students will explore basic concepts and methods to design an application while taking into consideration the needs of the user.
IS 600s is a graduate level, three-credit course. The prerequisite is IS621 with a Minimum Grade of C. Students do not need to know how to write code and will not be expected to learn code as a requirement for this course. Nice to have skills, but not required:
Omnigraffle, for Flow’s, Wireframing and diagramming, it’s a Mac only product (
Pop, a simple prototyping software that allows the user to quickly test design concepts Works on both Android and iPhone. (
Sketch 3, this program is quickly becoming the industry standard for Wireframing, prototyping and visual design of apps. Runs on Mac only (
Discovery, development, and strengthening the design skills you need to achieve success in college and in your career. By the end of this class you will have a basic understanding of how to design an application that embeds the best user experience principles.
Students will learn:
How to conduct research and synthesize the results
Utilize Brainstorming techniques
Develop features
Create flows which will show the layout of a design
Create wireframes that developers can use to build the design
Acquire skills to Prototype and test concepts
How to Iterate concepts
Present to stakeholders
Required textbooks:
The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition (November 5, 2013), by Don Norman
Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning 2nd Edition, (Sep 25, 2010), by Dan M. Brown
Extra Reading:
The Non-Designer’s Design Book (Get the latest version)
Time in the classroom (Room TBD) will be broken up into small increments with 5 minute breaks in between each increment, this is so that students have time to digest information and not be overwhelmed. The increments will be the following formats:
Lecture & Hands on learning
Design Studio (Share and critique sessions)
Workshop (In class time for collaboration and exploration)
Outside of the classroom students will be expected to do the following:
Reading assignments
Spend time collaborating with team members
Conducting exercises based on the lessons
Brainstorming and developing final project
The following how the semester will unfold, note that the schedule is subject to change:
Read the following and be prepared to discuss:
Read about heuristics, be prepared to discuss and have examples:
Homework due:
Optional reading to learn more:
Class Activities:
Intro to class: rules, etc.
Intro to Interaction Design
What is User Experience
User Experience roles
Why it’s important
Double Diamond Process
Exercise: Design a coffee cup
Lecture: Heuristics
What are they?
Why they are important
Exercise: Heuristics: In groups, define and explain your assigned heuristic
Week 2
Homework due:
Design of Everyday Things - Chapter 1
Class Activities:
Discussion: Review homework
Break into teams
Make team name
Discuss what to ask stakeholders
Lecture: Intro to research methods (1:1 interviews and contextual inquiry)
Discuss why research is important
Identify the different types of research
Define research
Focus on One on One
How to establish a goal for your research
Prepare questions
How to conduct research including how to probe for more information and consent
Briefly touch on Contextual interviews
Week 3
Homework due:
Design of Everyday Things - Chapter 2
From the Research Lecture, read two of the articles linked to “Sources (last slide in lecture)” Research about client
Practice interviewing by:
Prepare 3 questions, regarding food delivery habits
Modify the script and consent form
Interview 2 people using the script and questions. Remember to probe to get more in depth answers.
Take notes.
Submit PDF copy of notes to blackboard by 6:00pm Feb 12th.
Class Activities:
Discussion: Review homework
Lecture: Research methods (1:1 interviews and contextual inquiry)
Clients to explain who they are
Problem trying to solve
Debrief and share notes
Writing screeners
Workshop: Develop screener and 1:1 interview script
Week 4
Homework due:
Design of Everyday Things - Chapter 3
Create a screener: As a team, prepare a screener to select people for the research questions for your new client…
Consider who the target audience is: Demographics, conflict of interest, behaviors & knowledge level
Use template located in course documents as your foundation
Submit PDF to blackboard by 6:00pm Feb 19th (note that each team member should submit the same PDF)
Create research questions and script:
Review research & screener slide deck to make sure you create “good” questions.
Conduct 1:1 interviews (For project)
At least 3 people (project will require you to interview at least 6 people total)
Create a research goal
Use screener to “qualify people”
Customize script and questions
Have participants sign release
Review research & screener slide deck to make sure you ask questions correctly and follow appropriate protocol.
Class Activities:
Discussion: Review homework
Workshop: Review screener questions, research questions and results of interviews.
Week 5
Homework due:
Continue to interview participants
Have 6 interviews completed
Read: Creating a problem statement/POV:
Class Activities
Discussion: Review homework
Lecture: Synthesization of Research, develop and prioritize features
Why are they important
Workshop: Synthesization of Research, develop and prioritize features
Week 6
Homework due:
Finish your list of features
Upload in PDF format to blackboard
Class Activities:
Discussion: Review homework
Design Studio: Pinup and critique sketches
Lecture: Sketching and Iteration
What is sketching
Explain why it’s important
Discuss who can sketch
Learn how to sketch
Review tools to sketch
The power of iteration
Week 7
Homework due:
Chapter 7 of Communicating Design- Wireframes
As a team Create 4 pencil drawings/Sketches of key screens of your project
Upload in PDF format to blackboard -
What are wireframes
Class Activities:
Discussion: Review homework
Lecture: Wireframing (960 grid system) & Interaction
What are they?
Why are they important
How to create them
Week 8
Homework due:
Class Activities:
Week 9
Homework due:
Assigned reading: Communicating Design, Chapter on wireframes
Class Activities:
Discussion: Review homework
Wireframe design studio (share concepts)
Week 10
Homework due:
Assigned reading: Steve Krug
Class Activities:
Discussion: Review homework
Lecture: Usability
What is it?
Why are they important
Goal Setting
Scenarios and Tasks
How to be a good facilitator
Synthesizing the results
Week 11
Homework due:
Usability test app with no less than 5 participants
Summarize results
Class Activities:
Discussion: Review homework
Intro to Omnigraffle
What is Omnigraffle
The panels
How it works
Week 12
Homework due:
Putting together a presentation
Class Activities
Discussion: Review homework
Lecture: Artifacts for presentation
Project review and presentation rehearsal
Week 13
Presentation rehearsal, must have presentation completed!!!!!
Week 14
Final project presentation with client!